Drama Youtube online-Heliza Helmi & Norhelmee

Salam to all reader

Watch online youtube new drama titled couple.

The main character is Heliza Helmi dan Nor Helmee.

There may be between you guys already know, but I just tell. Do I care u know that or not..It's up to me,
right?who owner the blog?

Couple -Heliza  Helmi & Nor Helmee

That story not invite people to get couple but share tips how to  get mate (husband or wife) through mini movies.  (funny and cute drama ).

That story  related  how to management life and balanced that our life  with love people.  (couple/wedding)

That story very insteresting.if you want watching >>>click  HERE

Acting of Couple Nor Helmee Zainal Abidin (Syukur), Heliza Helmi (Qurratuain), Diana (Adik Qurratuain) dan Epul Raja Lawak (Adik Syukur).

That all from me.

1 comment:

[sutera kasih] said...

best drama onlne tu..comel2 :)