Ignore what people say

Salam to all reader

To be a good person, we must to follow what ALLAH said. 
Not to follow the people said...
If someone say something  negative about your transformation (good muslim)...
you just ignore what other said
what is important is to do ALLAH like..
one day is coming which every people like us than before that

Don't judge me by my past,
I don't live there anymore,
Accept me for who I am
this is me today !!


Ahmad Kamil said...

buat benda baik memang ramai orang tak suka..=)

Wordless Wednessday


ain farahin said...

kamil :betul sesangat.
macam cabaran beso kalau nak berubah ke arah kebaikan..
apa-apa pun environment sekeliling perlu kuat!!

ain farahin said...

adventure : memang betul. kesilapan kita yang lepas moga membawa kesedaran dan perubahan kita di masa akan datang