partner life!!

Salam to all reader

For all single in the world
I know what you feeling now
Still to find matching partner
But how to find...
Do select any person???
or good muslim/muslimah

But how??
Only pray or  effort in other way

Yes,you must to do something
Before you want to find a someone
You must be prepare yourself to be a good person

Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah  r.a. ia berkata Rasullullah bersabda : 
" Wanita dinikahi kerana empat perkara , kerana hartanya , kerana kedudukannya/ keturunannya, kerana kecantikannya, dan kerana agamanya. Maka pilihlah yang baik agamanya nescaya engkau akan beruntung."
If you are not able to hold a wife does not have to marry first. 
If you feel not enough confident to be a mom or dad, learn first.
 If you have not been willing to be patient with behavior children , first look for the patience. 
Do not married just for fun or something to be happy 
We married to be a more good person with all responsibiities,
 we just not married with person but a whole life partner,family,friend ,that environment and another.

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